SolidWorks software unlocks world of 3D
microdevices and ‘MEMS'
Access' fuels development of
miniaturized mechanical structures
CONCORD, Mass., Feb. 16, 2005
– SolidWorks Corporation today
began offering its customers access to a new
service to more quickly, easily, and
affordably design and test more
sophisticated microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS), microdevices, and microscopic
mechanical parts.
SolidWorks Corporation has joined forces
with Microfabrica Inc., the leader in
microdevice fabrication, and MOSIS, the
leader in low-cost integrated circuit
prototyping via multi-project runs, to offer
the new service, called EFAB™ Access. It is
the first service to provide the tools to
quickly and economically design and
prototype 3D MEMS and microdevices.
EFAB Access is based on Microfabrica's
breakthrough technology for manufacturing
complex 3D microdevices by depositing many
metal layers with micron precision. The
service for the first time allows companies,
universities, research labs, and individuals
to use 3D mechanical design software to
design and manufacture MEMS and microdevices
as part of a single solution. SolidWorks®
software is the recommended design software
for EFAB Access and enables viewing of 3D
micro geometry as it will appear when
fabricated in layers.
EFAB Access enables designers and engineers
to create “true 3D” devices in at least four
times as many layers as traditional MEMS
processes allow. In addition, these devices
are made from conventional engineering
materials such as nickel and copper – not
just silicon.
EFAB Access leverages MOSIS's unique
multi-project run fabrication process, which
aggregates multiple, typically unrelated
projects from multiple designers on the same
wafer. Normally, each customer requires a
wafer dedicated to a single device, driving
the cost beyond the reach of many
“There are virtually unlimited applications
for making devices, components, and systems
smaller, lighter, more mobile, and less
power-hungry,” said Adam Cohen, executive
vice president, technology, and CTO, of
Microfabrica. “Components for cell phones
and other mobile electronic devices are
being forced to become smaller and smaller,
and the principle holds true across a
surprising range of industries. Without
SolidWorks software and EFAB Access, MEMS
are traditionally
two-and-one-half-dimensional devices at
best, with limited applications. EFAB Access
enables the fabrication of true 3D devices,
and SolidWorks powers the process on the
front end by enabling full 3D design – as
well as design analysis with COSMOSWorks®
integrated analysis software.”
MEMS are defined as devices having features
in the range of several microns that combine
electrical and mechanical functions for an
expansive range of innovative applications
in communications, consumer products,
military/aerospace systems, information
technology, automotive, biotech,
chemical/industrial, and more. Applications
include wireless components and systems,
motion and pressure sensors, inkjet printer
cartridges, drug delivery devices, flat
screen displays, valves, and pumps. MEMS
markets are expected to reach $5.4 billion
in 2005, according to the Dublin-based
Research and Markets research firm.
EFAB Access participants will submit their
designs to MOSIS, which will prepare the
wafer layout for Microfabrica. MOSIS has
initially scheduled three EFAB Access runs
in 2005, and the deadline to submit designs
for the first multi-project run is March 21,
2005. For specific requirements, pricing,
and additional information, visit or
One of Microfabrica's customers, Lockheed
Martin [NYSE: LMT], is using the EFAB
process to develop RF filters for aerospace
applications at its Missiles and Fire
Control business in Orlando, Fla. Using
Lockheed Martin's specifications,
Microfabrica Inc., designed a
millimeter-wave bandpass filter using
SolidWorks 3D mechanical design software and
met the company's goals of reduced mass and
increased performance.
Microfabrica has done similar work for the
Air Force Research Laboratory's Antenna
Technology Unit.
“Smaller can indeed be better, and that
doesn't just apply to cell phones,” said
Jeff Ray, SolidWorks chief operating
officer. “For the first time, small devices
can be powerful, yet sophisticated and
geometrically complex. In conjunction with
Microfabrica and MOSIS, SolidWorks software
can help engineers when they cross into the
microdevice world using the same design
tools and principles as in the macro world.
We hope to help lead the MEMS market just as
we have the 3D mechanical design market.”