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Michigan's Original   SolidWorks Provider**
888 327 2974

DASI Solutions assists companies in the implementation of CAD, CAE and PDM collaborative technologies used in the product development process.

DASI Solutions originally brought SolidWorks to Michigan by being the first value added reseller. SolidWorks is now an industry standard in the 3D Modeling arena with over 325,000 seats in use.


Free SolidWorks Test Drive Find out how you can obtain a copy of SolidWorks CAD software and one day of SolidWorks training completely FREE of charge!  
New SolidWorks Office Premium For the designer who wants it all, SolidWorks introduces SolidWorks Office Premium, a new top-of-the-line design engineering solution  
Students and Educational Solutions
Over 75% of the world's top-ranked academic institutions have enhanced engineering graphics and CAD instruction with SolidWorks software.



Certified SolidWorks Professional ::

In today's mechanical design market only the most qualified and advanced professionals succeed. We have always believed it is imperative that there be a standard in place that measures the competencies of these professionals. Setting and meeting these standards ensures that industry professionals are at the forefront of SolidWorks technologies. People across the world are now differentiating between competent SolidWorks users and casual users.

Our CSWP Program ensures that today's professionals maintain the highest quality level possible on each and every release!

For information call 888 327 2974 or inquire online by clicking here >>


DASI Solutions offers a wide range of certified instructor-led training courses in SolidWorks and Cosmos, from the introductory level to customized training and mentoring services. Our instructors use SolidWorks on a daily basis and are recognized as industry experts in SolidWorks. Every DASI instructor went through a rigorous training program with SolidWorks Corporation to become certified SolidWorks professionals.

The focus of each SolidWorks training course is on the fundamental skills and concepts central to the successful use of the SolidWorks mechanical design software.

SolidWorks Certified Training Courses COSMOS Training Courses
     Essentials: Parts and Assemblies     COSMOSWorks Designer I - On-line
     Essentials: Drawings     COSMOSWorks Designer II
     Advanced Part Modeling     COSMOSWorks Professional
     Advanced Assembly Modeling     COSMOSWorks Adv. Professional I
     Sheet Metal and Weldments     - Nonlinear & Advanced Dynamics
     SolidWorks File Management     COSMOSWorks Adv. Professional II
     PDMWorks      - Nonlinear & Fatigue
     API Fundamentals     COSMOSMotion
     CAD Productivity Tools     COSMOSFloWorks
     Animator     Advanced Dynamics
     PhotoWorks     COSMOSEMS
     SolidWorks Routing    
     COSMOSWorks Designer Bundle Training Courses

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