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DASI Solutions assists companies in the implementation of CAD, CAE and PDM collaborative technologies used in the product development process.

DASI Solutions originally brought SolidWorks to Michigan by being the first value added reseller. SolidWorks is now an industry standard in the 3D Modeling arena with over 325,000 seats in use.


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Industrial Erector Set maker 80/20 boosts sales, customer productivity with SolidWorks 3D PartStream. NET -based interactive catalog

T-slotted frame manufacturer responds to market demand for downloadable 3D models

CONCORD, Mass., Feb. 23, 2005 — The country's largest T-slotted aluminum framing supplier is using SolidWorks 3D PartStream.NET® service to create an interactive catalog and help customers streamline product development. Driven by customer demand for downloadable 3D parts models, 80/20 deployed 3D PartStream.NET so that customers can configure and download the right T-slotted frame model to fit their product designs, whether for an assembly line workstation, enclosure, or a frame for other applications.

The Indiana-based business' Industrial Erector Set® is a T-slotted aluminum framing system that lets customers build enclosures, carts, stairs, rails, and a wide variety of other products, including everything from safety guards in machine shops to the partitioning for Hollywood sound stages. Customers can add a variety of panels and doors, fasteners, linear bearings, stanchions, casters, and more for a custom-designed product. 80/20 deployed 3D PartStream.NET because it provides quick access to easily configurable 3D models of parts that customers can download into their product designs to ensure an exact fit.

“We pay close attention to the market and to what our customers are using for design products to make sure that we can provide them the formats that they want,” said Dave Wood, 80/20's vice president of marketing and sales. “3D PartStream.NET was the only service that provided the flexibility to allow customers to download solid models in the design formats of their choice.”

80/20 also uses SolidWorks® 3D mechanical design software because its ease of use and speed allow engineers to streamline development and bring new products to market quickly. “SolidWorks and 3D PartStream.NET give us a huge marketing advantage because now we're not only reaching a greater audience with our online catalog, but we're also using the 3D CAD software of choice for the majority of our customers and prospects,” said Wood.


To further increase its marketing exposure, 80/20 lists its vital contact information on SolidWorks' 3D ContentCentral SM (, an online directory of suppliers offering downloadable 3D parts models to hundreds of thousands of product designers and engineers around the world. Wood expects 3D PartStream.NET and 3D ContentCentral to dramatically increase the company's exposure and sales leads per month, reduce the burden on its engineering department to answer customer questions about customization and configuration, and significantly lower its cost per sales lead.

“80/20 isn't satisfied to rest on its laurels as a leader in its market,” said Bob Noftle, general manager of 3D content solutions at SolidWorks Corporation. “It has taken the time to see how its customers are designing their products, and mapped its products and marketing strategies to best serve those customers. 3D PartStream.NET and SolidWorks are the vehicles for achieving that goal.”

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